Why does Kratos hate the Blades of Chaos?

Viking to Katana
5 min read3 days ago

Kratos hates the Blades of Chaos due to their reminder of his past. Discover more about his journey in the games. Uncover the story now!

Kratos, the iconic protagonist of the game series, is a character deeply intertwined with the Blades of Chaos, a pair of chained blades forged in the darkest corners of Greek mythology. These weapons, once a symbol of his relentless pursuit of vengeance, now carry a burden of regret and sorrow. Let’s delve into why Kratos harbors such strong emotions toward the Blades of Chaos.

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The Origins of the Blades of Chaos

The Blades of Chaos were born from a desperate pact between Kratos and Ares, the Greek war. In exchange for power, Kratos pledged himself to Ares’ service, unknowingly binding himself to eternal servitude. Crafted by Hephaestus and imbued with chaotic energies, the Blades became extensions of Kratos’ fury, serving as instruments of divine retribution.

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Kratos’ Initial Acceptance

Initially, the Blades of Chaos empowered Kratos on his path of vengeance against those who wronged him, including Ares himself. Their deadly efficiency and relentless power made them indispensable tools in his ascent from mortal warrior to slayer. For Kratos, they represented the means to exact justice upon a world that had betrayed him.

The Turning Point: Betrayal and Regret

However, as Kratos’ journey unfolded, the true cost of his pact with Ares became painfully clear. Manipulated and haunted by visions of his own atrocities, Kratos found himself trapped in a cycle of violence and despair. The Blades of Chaos, once a symbol of his righteous fury, now mirrored the chains of his servitude and the weight of his sins.

Symbol of Past Sins

For Kratos, the Blades of Chaos are not merely weapons but embodiments of his darkest deeds. Each swing of the Blades carries the weight of lives lost, kingdoms destroyed, and innocence shattered. They serve as a constant reminder of the price he paid for power — a price that he struggles to justify as he seeks redemption for his past atrocities.

Emotional and Physical Scars

Physically, wielding the Blades exacts a toll on Kratos’ body, their chaotic energies leaving scars that serve as a testament to his battles fought and victories won. Yet, it is the emotional scars that cut deepest — the memories of loved ones lost, of promises broken, and of a life irrevocably changed by his own hands.

Desire for Redemption

Throughout his journey, Kratos wrestles with the desire to break free from his past and forge a new path — one defined not by rage and vengeance but by compassion and forgiveness. The Blades of Chaos stand in stark contrast to this newfound resolve, their very presence a reminder of the man he once was and the deeds he can never undo.

Struggles with Identity

Kratos’ relationship with the Blades of Chaos is a reflection of his own struggle with identity. They embody his former identity as the Ghost of Sparta — a title earned through bloodshed and conquest. As he evolves from a vengeful warrior into a father and mentor, Kratos must reconcile the legacy of the Blades with the man he strives to become.

The Burden of Power

The Blades of Chaos are not just weapons but conduits of power that threaten to consume those who wield them. Their chaotic energies whisper promises of strength and dominance, tempting Kratos to embrace his darkest impulses. It is a temptation that he must constantly resist, knowing all too well the destructive potential of unchecked power.

Family and Sacrifice

Kratos’ journey with the Blades of Chaos is intertwined with themes of family and sacrifice. His pursuit of vengeance led to tragic losses, forever altering the course of his life and shaping his relationship with his loved ones. The Blades symbolize the sacrifices made in the name of ambition and the enduring pain of those left behind.

Seeking Alternatives

In his quest for redemption, Kratos eventually lays down the Blades of Chaos, seeking alternative means to protect those he loves and to confront new challenges. The Leviathan Axe, a weapon of Nordic origin, becomes a symbolic replacement — one that embodies strength tempered by wisdom and the capacity for change.

Closure and Moving Forward

As Kratos confronts his past and embraces his role as a father to Atreus, he learns to let go of the burden represented by the Blades of Chaos. Their legacy remains a part of him, shaping his journey and influencing his decisions, but no longer defining his future. Through introspection and growth, Kratos finds closure and a renewed sense of purpose.

Impact on Gameplay

From a gameplay perspective, Kratos’ choice of weaponry profoundly impacts the player experience. The Blades of Chaos offer fast-paced, close-quarters combat, reflecting Kratos’ ferocity and agility. Alternatives like the Leviathan Axe provide strategic depth, emphasizing precision and tactical thinking. Players’ preferences often reflect their interpretation of Kratos’ character development throughout the series.

Fan Reactions and Interpretations

Among fans, discussions about Kratos’ relationship with the Blades of Chaos are vibrant and diverse. Some view them as essential to his identity, while others celebrate his evolution beyond them. Theories abound regarding their future significance in the ongoing narrative of Game, suggesting potential revelations and character growth yet to come.


In conclusion, the Blades of Chaos symbolize Kratos’ tumultuous journey from vengeance to redemption. They embody his darkest moments and his most profound regrets, serving as a constant reminder of the cost of power and the weight of responsibility. As Kratos continues to evolve as a character, his relationship with the Blades evolves as well, reflecting his ongoing quest for peace and self-forgiveness.

Unique FAQs After The Conclusion:

Q: Why did Kratos stop using the Blades of Chaos?

Kratos stopped using the Blades primarily to distance himself from his violent past and seek redemption.

Q: Can Kratos ever fully escape his past with the Blades of Chaos?

The Blades of Chaos will always be a part of Kratos’ history, but he strives to move forward and redefine his legacy.

Q: What other weapons has Kratos used besides the Blades of Chaos?

Kratos has wielded weapons such as the Leviathan Axe, the Blades of Athena, and various magical artifacts throughout his journey.

Q: Do the Blades of Chaos have special powers or abilities?

Yes, the Blades of Chaos are infused with chaotic energies that enhance their cutting power and combat versatility.



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